I set goals for how I want to grow my technical skills every year that I have been employed and fall short. 2021 was a similar year too. I set goals and fell short, by more than a mile.

So, what did I plan to learn this year? I wanted to get better with my Kubernetes knowledge and clear the CKA certification. How did I fare? I did learn a lot about Kubernetes as part of my job and my oncall duties, but I was not able to take the certification and had to cancel the registration for the exam. Now to the books. I got multiple book recommendations from tech Twitter and got most of them. I haven’t gotten around to reading any of them fully. This is what having a TV in the bedroom would do to you! These are the books that I have in either paper form or on Kindle or PDF that I have been meaning to read, but did not go through with. My plan is to complete them before the end of 2022.

  • System Desgin Interview by Alex Xu
  • Designing Data Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann
  • Networking and Kubernetes by James Strong and Vallery Lancey
  • Building Secure and Reliable Systems

Trainings/Video Courses:

  • A regex course on Udemy
  • Terraform courses on Pluralsight
  • A couple of AWS architecture courses on the AWS Partner Network.

Let’s see if I can finish them by 2022!